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NAKA Accuses Person Who Reportedly Threatened...

Ilustračné foto. Foto: TASR - Jaroslav Novák

NAKA Accuses Person Who Reportedly Threatened Interior Minister and MPs.

Bratislava, May 18 (TASR) - An investigator of the National Crime Agency (NAKA) has charged a person with dangerous threatening for allegedly sending a threatening message to Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) and two other MPs via a social networking site, spokeswoman for the Police Corps Presidium Denisa Bardyova told TASR on Saturday, adding that a court will decide on the motion to take them into custody.

"We've processed a motion against the accused to take them into custody. The supervising prosecutor agreed with the motion and a relevant court will decide on the proposal," said the spokeswoman. If proven guilty, the accused faces a prison sentence of six months to three years.